(956) 621-0789
Experienced Doctor
Dr. Akram specializes in pediatrics
and she has practiced for over
30 years.
Holistic Approach
We address the needs of the whole child, including physical, mental, and emotional health, while taking social factors into consideration.
Health Insurance or no Health Insurance, Mind Body Pediatric
Clinic serves everyone. We accept all insurance plans and cash payments with no Insurance.
Healthcare for All
Why Choose Us?
We focus on providing compassionate and holistic care to the whole child rather than just treating the disease. We strongly believe in providing essential health education information that will help change the health status of not only the child but the whole family over time. Our goal is to provide quality preventive and therapeutic care from the first day of life to make sure each child reaches his/her full potential physically, mentally and developmentally. Children are our future so ensuring that they receive the best comprehensive pediatric care is our number one goal.
Our friendly staff will ensure that every visit to the clinic is a pleasant, relaxed and satisfying experience. We look forward to meet you soon.
Our Services
We offer broad array of services geared towards management of healthy mind and body while addressing today’s most common non-emergency illnesses and injuries.
Well Child Visit.
Asthma Management.
Sports Physicals.
Sick Visits.
Allergy Testing.
Weight Management.
Pediatric Prenatal Visits.
Breastfeeding Support.
Self Care.
Yoga Classes.
Expectant Parents
Congratulations! Having a baby is one of the most amazing experiences of a lifetime. A pediatric prenatal visits during the third trimester is highly recommended for expectant families as an important first step in establishing a child’s medical home. The prenatal visit can be enhanced if the parents come prepared with questions. During the visit a trusting relationship can be established and expectant parents can have time to express their needs, interests, and concerns and receive initial anticipatory guidance.
Feel free to call us at (956) 621-0789 to schedule a
prenatal "get acquainted" meeting with Dr. Akram.